Manage Stress to Fight Arthritis? - Hot Tubs Ankeny, Portable Spas Ames - Hot Spring Spas of Iowa and the Twin Cities

Manage Stress to Fight Arthritis? – Hot Tubs Ankeny, Portable Spas Ames

Stress is a normal part of life, but too much tension can actually exacerbate arthritis pain by releasing chemicals in the body that trigger inflammation. While swollen and painful joints can be uncomfortable, elevated stress levels can make symptoms practically debilitating. The truth is, stress worsens your pain, making it important to learn a few stress reduction techniques to help restore the body’s natural balance. Here are a few easy ways to manage stress and fight arthritis.

Breathing Exercises – Elevated stress is often accompanied by irregular breathing – that “fight or flight” response which tenses every muscle and joint in the body. In fact, when you react to stress, your muscles become tight, which unfortunately, makes arthritis pain more pronounced. Stress pain and muscle tension lead to a faster heart rate. Taking the time to stop and concentrate on breathing deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth will release some of that tension, easing arthritis pain and minimizing stiffness. Over time, breathing through stress becomes easier and more natural.

Stretching for Relief – The benefits of stretching to relieve stress can be extended to decrease arthritis pain. By elongating the muscles it’s possible to increase range of motion, enhance flexibility and decrease joint stiffness. Movement is one of the best ways to fight joint pain and with the release of endorphins, or the body’s “feel good” receptors, tension and stress fade. Stretching is key for pain relief and healing as increased oxygen and blood flow more easily allowing knotted, stiff and tense areas to relax and heal.

A Relaxing Soak in a Hot Tub – Learning how to relax is one of the most effective ways to control stress. A calming dip in the hot tub will do wonders for pain relief, but as a relaxation technique, nothing compares to the soothing comfort of heated, massaging water to calm the mind and ease the body. Within seconds, heat relaxes tight, sore muscles and joints, which ease tension in the neck, lower back and shoulders. When tension fades, arthritis pain does as well. Using a hot tub regularly is an easy and convenient way to manage stress and feel great.

When arthritis pain is accompanied by elevated stress, even getting out of bed in the morning can be a challenge. Learning strategies for handling stress in a positive, healthy way can reduce pain and discomfort and help you cope more effectively with the demands of the disease.

To help people understand how hydrotherapy can help improve overall health and well-being, we will provide free hot tub test soaks in our 5 locations during the entire month. We want to encourage local consumers to check out the benefits of a relaxing soak in an energy efficient hot tub for themselves.

Consumers wanting to find the Hot Spring Spas location nearest them are encouraged to visit the company website for more information. The website address is https://www.HotSpringGreen.com

Hot Tubs Ankeny, Portable Spas Ames

About Hot Spring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa

HotSpring Spas of Minnesota and Iowa offer a large selection of new and used hot tubs and saunas for sale and a variety of hot tub, sauna, repairs, parts, and accessories. We are Minnesota’s and Iowa’s premier source for Hot Spring Spas and Hot Tubs, Saunatec and Finnleo Saunas, A & B Backyard Accessories, and proudly carry the SilkBalance for Spas water treatment system. To learn more, pick up a copy of our free report “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy a Hot Tub”. Just give us a call at 515-270-8702 or go to
